Monday, August 30, 2010

My God father: God the Father's Vessel (Descriptive)

If I put all th people I met in my whole earthly existence in a straight line from good to bad, My "Ninong" will be the prime character.

Ramir Santiago Lacuata, my friend, my defender and my mentor. He is God-fearing fellow. I have learned many biblical teachings from him. What I am today is a product of his influence in my entire personality. His moral values serves as my standard and concept of self-discipline.Even through, I considered myself as a conventional teenager trying to discover good from bad, his examples always remind me to put God first.

He is a good grandson, a better brother and the best son in the family. There are many scenes in his life that taught me to be patient, kind, loving, enduring, industrious, orderly, honest, evil-hater, pious, self-sacrificing and a good Samaritan. Is he an angel? well yes .. because he is my "Guardian Angel". He even disregard his own happiness just to be with me since my childhood.There are many loving memories I kept in my heart about the angelic deeds of my god father. He is a shoulder to cry on, the providential gift-giver on all my personal occasions and my confessor in times of confessions. He knows me very well, my sentiments my shortcomings and my aspirations. My god father always inculcate in my life to be contented in midst of poverty, to be enlightened during the darker side of my life, to be at peace in times of personal challenges and to be considerate even everybody don't even care.

I write this because I want the world to know that I love my Papa Ramir. Love begot's love. If he manage to offer his life for me. I will do the same thing for him. To discretized the above mentioned statements, I will sealed this descriptive salutation with the NAME OF GOD.


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Everybody wants to be somebody. All of us want to succeed and be recognized. Even nobody wants to be someone...someday.
I also belong to that group of "everybody" and being at the level of the nobodies,I strongly believe that someday I will be someone who will succeed and be recognized.

When i was in my third grade at the Montessori, I have noticed that most of my schoolmates came from a well to do family. I wonder where did they get their cars, sophisticated personal gadgets and lots of money. I asked one of my friend hoe they can afford to have the finer things in life, then she replied, "My father is a successful businessman , that's why". Since then, I want to become rich. One day, I ask my father, "Dad , I want to become rich, what will I do". He told me"If you want to be rich, don't be contented as a typical employee. Your employer will succeed at your expense.Then you will find yourself lacking.Have your own business and be an employer". My tender thoughts were fascinated by the possibilities of making a living through entrepreneurship. Three years have passed and I found myself in front of my Dad asking the second important question in my life. "Dad, what business is bankrupt proof?". My dad simply disclosed, "A funeral parlor!". I am so shocked that time, so I simply reply " what the hell.. okay I'll try to have that business".

During my high school days, many of my friend and even my mentors considered me awkward, strange and indifferent whenever I told the my ambition. I even prevent myself to share my dreams. Until I met Angelica Baello my best friend since 4th. year high school they have family business is one of the popular memorial services in the country "Floresco Funeral Homes" that was the name of their funeral home.

She was amazed that she will meet somebody like me. We even spent our time to look to the coffins. We always hang out to that funeral office. We spent our happy jokes at their morgue and besides the coffins.

One time when we talk about our future. We talk about my ambition to have my own funeral homes, Angel told me, "You are not awkward nor strange, you are an originator and not an imitator". She make so happy when she say that.In life, imitators often failed,but the originators always succeed. I have uncle that have funeral homes he is the founder of "Paradise funeral homes" one time he told me, "Do you really want the nature of our business?" I replied "Yes tito I really do!" he conclude, "Someday, you will be rich".

There are even an incident in my childhood life that my father, due to his natural kindness, was offered by his friend to have his own funeral business. But my dad declined because of noble reasons. When I learned the opportunity, I approached my father and appealed to avail that same fortune in his instead. One Sunday morning, during our congregational mass service, I saw my dad talking to that philanthropist. I take my chance of expressing my point. My dad gave me that chance, then I told to his friend, "Sir, can you help me to set my own funeral service someday?" He was very glad for me and told me, "We will see".

Imagine, I was only at my fifth grade then. But I know my career path. I felt my heart was pounding with joy when I was given an affirmative response on my quest. The third most important question in my life was again addressed by my dad. "Dad, what is the business secret of a funeral homes?". During my third year in high school, I have learned the answer.. "My daughter, you need to be a licensed embalmer. Since then, I desire to be somebody...a competent embalmer. Lately my god father gave me the book entitled "THE ART AND SCIENCE OF EMBALMING" direct from New York.

My loving Tita Rose and Ninang Lulu is scouting on what school will I take my embalming training course when I reach my legal age this October. I have mature circle of friends and boyfriend that appreciates my sentiments. Finally, I want to thank God because He guides me .... by getting to be somebody.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

High School vs. College(Compare and Contrast)

A school that is intermediate in level between high school and college and that usually offers general, technical, vocational or college – preparatory curricula. College is a collection of body, or society of person engaged in common pursuits or having common duties and interest and sometimes by character.
The transition from high school to college can be a difficult one. Both your social and academic life will be remarkable different from high school. There are some differences in high school to college, No Parents. Life without parents may sound exciting but it can be a challenge. No one is going to nag you if you’re messing up. No one is going to wake you up for class or make you do your homework. Less Time in class: In high school spend most of your day in school. In college you will average about three hours of class time a day. Different Attendance Policies: In high school you are required to go to school every day, in college it’s up to you to get to class. No one is going to hunt you if you are absent, but the absences could be disastrous for your grades. Taking Challenges: In high school your teachers often follow the closely and write on the board everything needs to go in your notes. In college, you’ll need to take noon reading assignments that are never discussed in class. You’ll also need to take notes on what is said in class, not just what is written on the board. In Exams: In high school there are no semesters you have the whole year. In a year you have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Qtr. In college there are 2 semester or 3 semester that have 3 exams prelim, midterm, and finals. Grading System: Different Grading Policies college professors tend to base final grades largely on a couple of big tests and papers. Effort by itself won’t win you high grades, it’s the results of you effort that will be graded. If you have a bad test or paper grades in college, chances are you won’t be allowed to redo the assignment not just extra credit works. You need to manage your time: In high school: You need to wake up your own schedule and you manage your own time.
Sounds painful? At times, it will be, especially at first. First semester freshman year is about learning how to be a college student. If you work diligently and hold yourself up to high expectations the work will seem easier with time.

Finally, an average and conventional public opinion may agree that high school days is the happiest moment of human scholastic life but for me, my college life gives me not just happy moments but a concrete sense of social relevance and clear career path and direction.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cause and Effect of Watching Too much TV

Discovers and invention of devices are always welcome till we humans, find a way to abuse it's benefits and be adversely affected by it. Some people they can't control to watch TV they have addiction to it.

One of the physical effects of Watching TV in excessive amount of eye. it is true that are specifications for watching TV it should be 5m away. the room should be placed at the same height with our eyes, The room should be adequately lit. However, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired if we keep watching TV for a long time. one of the reason addictive to watch TV is eating while watching TV people who like watching TV and eating snacks everyday. "TV Snack" it is refer to fast foods that have suitable for eating in front of TV. One of the results of too much watching TV is expose to violence people start to considering violent action normal and they loose their sensitivity to their environment partly connected to this effect the interpersonal communication among people decreases. being insensitive to the suffering of other people causes people to become alienated.

Shortly inventions are meant to be beneficial for human beings if we know to benefit for other people. TV is one of such inventions that need to be used for the right purposes. So don't let the inventions control your life use them for right way don't be addictive.